The Supernatural God: Many with One Mind!

As a young boy, I asked my pastor to explain God’s origin and the Trinity. His answer went like this: “God was always around. He became different things when needed: the Creator, then Jesus who left heaven to come to earth, and His Spirit sometimes.” The visual was a fluid God blob. It was a stupid answer, but I didn’t know how to explain it better. Fifty-some-odd years later, I can and want to introduce you to Elohim and their ruler and ours, YHVH (the Hebrew consonants naming the Creator and pronounced Jehovah or Yahweh).

Others existed before this earth’s creation. So, unsurprisingly, they were present at creation (Job 38:7), in Eden (Ezekiel 28:12-19), and in governing all but Israel (Deuteronomy 32:8-9). This group of disembodied spirits is labeled Elohim in ancient Hebrew and identifies angels, Jesus, the Creator, Holy Spirit, and others. Many compose God’s Divine Council. Let’s dig deeper into Elohim YHVH and Elohim as a divine council before finishing with Elohim, the rebels.

Elohim, the Creator & Ruler. God, as we know Him, created everything and has had many labels and roles. But He has only one name: YHVH. He is the God who will be our provider, shepherd, and healer when we are fully devoted to Him. He rules creation, including all Elohim, and seeks willing partners in His dimension and ours despite the risk of rebellion.

Elohim, the Divine Council. Collectively, Elohim has always had a place as a spiritual council headed by YHVH. Our existence began like this: “Then Elohim said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule . . .’” (Genesis 1:26). Therefore, we’re meant to be imagers of God—doing and saying here what the Creator and His council do and say in their realm. Jesus reports this like-mindedness (John 5:9 and 14:10). Job mentions this assembly of the ‘sons of God’ (Job 1:6). We see them advising YHVH about Ahab in 1 Kings 22:19-23, and the Psalmist reflects on this holy council in Psalm 89:5-7. Finally, the apostle John sees them in an end-times vision (Revelation 4). However, many have gone rogue (e.g., Psalm 82).

Elohim, the Rebels. Spiritual rebellion happened multiple times during and after Eden. First, Lucifer rebelled and lost his authority. Then, ‘watchers’ appointed to protect humans rebelled and were relegated to the underworld. You can read about this in the books of Enoch and Jasher, both mentioned in our Bible. After Babel, God gave members of His council authority over all nations except Israel (Deuteronomy 32:8-9); they went rogue (e.g., Psalm 82 and Daniel 10:12-13 & 20).

In summary, Elohim represents disembodied spirits. Some are part of a divine council led by YHVH with one mind and mission. Some are rebels. So, we’ll next explore further YHVH’s disinheritance of the nations and Elohim rebellion.

Blessings and peace,

Dr. Ron Braley, MDiv, DMin.

The Supernatural God: An Introduction

Look around. What you see exists within a single dimension. But what about what you can’t see? Are there other dimensions where beings create, advise, and influence people in this dimension? Yep!

Although humans reduce the supernatural God of creation to words and religion, there’s much more! Of course, written biblical texts inform our Christian walk. And religion helps us frame and practice our worship. But the texts and religion result from the speech and actions of a multi-dimensional supernatural God. His words were written down for people who could respond, in turn, with religious activities and right living. His actions, also documented, help us understand His nature. Regardless, the supernatural has driven what we read and do in the Christian faith. So, we’ll plumb the depths of God corporately as a heavenly council (Elohim) and individually as the Creator (YHVH).

This week, I’ll equip you to later explore Elohim, a biblical label for spiritual beings. We’ll then learn about the supernatural forces controlling earthly nations and rulers (except Israel) and how they received that authority. Finally, we’ll uncover the end-times supernatural players and events that will realign everything according to the Creator’s desire. But first, let’s look at two extremes that keep us from meeting or understanding our supernatural God: words alone and emotion mistaken for the Spirit. Words first.

A real risk of “worshipping the book” and missing God entirely exists when we dismiss the supernatural, earliest Christian traditions, faith experienced, and reason. I’ve witnessed extremes where the supernatural Spirit has no place in today’s Christianity. The supernaturally influenced Bible itself is elevated above practicing the precepts contained within, such as justice, love, and mercy. And countless rules, regulations, and bad theology abuse people and keep others from God’s Kingdom. On the other hand, ignoring the words in favor of pursuing perceived supernatural stuff alone is just as bad.

Without the Bible to frame and direct our faith, anything goes. I’ve witnessed severe abuses where people have barked, laughed hysterically, claimed to see gold dust, smelled stuff, fallen over, babbled unproductively, and much more. Add to the list fraudsters and adulterers because congregants were too Scripturally ignorant to recognize evil. However, there’s a better position where the supernatural God driving the creation of the words continues to interact spiritually with people who strive to understand and apply them correctly. In other words, balance is critical to rightly perceiving our supernatural God and imitating Him.

In summary, what we see in this dimension is a fraction of what exists here and in others—much of which drove what we read in the Bible and still influences people. In the following article, we’ll look closer at Elohim, that single-minded, one-mission group of supernaturals led by YHVH (Jehovah), God the Creator. We’ll also dig deeper into the gods that must take a backseat to Him.

Blessings and peace,

Dr. Ron Braley, MDiv, DMin.