Tag Archives: END OF THE WORLD

When Two Kingdoms Collide

Initially, God’s world and ours intersected and cohabitated. This was Eden until humankind rebelled and broke its relationship with the Creator. Now, the two separate realms (kingdoms) have two kings: God and Satan. Because we’re made of mammal fleshiness and God-made spirit, we feel the draw of this appealing-to-the-flesh earth ruled by Satan and heaven ruled by God. We can’t serve two masters and must choose one. And not choosing God’s Kingdom will put you in the other by default. Let’s learn more about each to help you choose well. By the way, I published “The Supernatural God: Rebellion & Disinheritance!” in May 2023. You might want to revisit it for more background.

Satan’s Kingdom. After the dispersion at Babel, God disinherited most of the earth and its people (except for Israel), giving them to others in His council (Deuteronomy 32:7-12; Psalm 82). Those other spiritual beings have managed most of humanity ever since. Satan is their ruler; he has authority over the earth and anyone who isn’t God’s. He couldn’t have offered Jesus his earthly kingdom in Matthew 4:8-10 otherwise! Other biblical examples of Satan’s rulership: “Satan, the ruler of this world . . .” (John 12:31) and “Jesus said, ‘The ruler of this world approaches . . .’” (John 14:30). Jesus also confirms “My kingdom is not of this realm” in John 18:36 and “the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.” (1 John 5:19) But, this won’t always be the case!

God’s (YHVH’s) Kingdom. Despite Satan’s temporary rulership of this earth, God’s Kingdom has been attainable since Jesus gave His life to satisfy our debt to the Creator. Why did He do that? To return us to our Maker (1 Peter 3:18). For now, His Kingdom is ‘already, but not yet’ because it is available through Jesus but isn’t physically among us. One day, the two kingdoms will engage in a final conflict, and the ruler of this world will be ousted and destroyed. God’s realm and ours will intersect again as they did in Eden. When? We don’t know for sure, but here are reminders of the certainty:

  • “Then the seventh angel sounded; and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever.’” (Revelation 11:15)
  • “Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come . . .” (Revelation 12:10)

To summarize, the Devil runs things on earth for now, establishing lots of wickedness inside and outside the churches. However, God will one day reclaim what’s His and recombine His realm and ours in a new world. Where should we go next? Let me share my Orthodox Lent journey with you in an enlightening multi-parter. Meanwhile, choose your king and kingdom wisely and stay!

Blessings and peace,

Dr. Ron Braley, MDiv, DMin.

Christmas, the Retold Story!

Published initially in December, 2021

Christmas is full of traditions, including the story depicting Jesus’ birth. Some renderings sport sheep, camels, and donkeys with costume-clad humans for effect. The event makes us feel good and can be a great time of fun and family. But is there more to the story—perhaps stuff behind the scenes that would make it more meaningful if known? Let’s see.

First, the Son of God, born a son of man, has been around since the creation of our universe (John 1:1-4).

Second, this Son of God had to live and die as a human for a reason: to restore the relationship between Creator and creation by paying the penalty for the first humans’ rebellion and crushing evil (e.g., Genesis 3:15). Why? Paying the price could only be done by someone who had never rebelled against God. He began sending clues about this coming perfect Savior through various prophets like Isaiah: “Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14)

This Prince would be born in about 4 BC and eventually crucified, as shown to the prophet Daniel 500 years before Jesus came to earth (Daniel 9:25-26). His birth brings God’s peace to the people with whom He is pleased (Luke 2:14), but it prompted the wrath of a man, Herod (Matthew 2:1-12). For Jesus’ safety, an angel told Joseph and Mary to escape to Egypt until Herod’s death (Matthew 2:13-15). How would the journey be possible? After all, travel and daily life were costly, just as they are now. Allow me to introduce the wise men.

To fully appreciate their contribution, we must return to Persia 500 years earlier when Daniel earned great respect and treasure. He was also well-trained in Babylonian arts, including astronomy. He knew when Jesus would be born and would’ve been familiar with Micah’s prophecy about Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). 

So, Daniel, the Jew who spent his life in Persia, had treasure, knew how to chart star movements, and knew where Jesus would be born and the timeframe. Therefore, we shouldn’t be surprised that Persian magi (wise men) knew that Jesus fulfilled prophecies, and the alignment of the stars at the time and place of His birth. Daniel’s great wealth was likely the resource that funded Jesus’ trip to Egypt until Herod’s death. Our God is the master orchestrator who crafts everything according to His pleasure! “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

God and our Christian traditions can bring great blessings, peace, and joy! Next, let’s revisit my New Year 2022 article on new and renewed beginnings.  Meanwhile, give what God desires: charity justice, mercy, and pure heart.

Blessings and peace,

Dr. Ron Braley, MDiv, DMin.

Make a Difference!

God didn’t create us just to consume resources, tend only to ourselves, and then pass out of this life without making a difference. He made us to be like Him. He loves; we’re to love. He’s merciful; we’re to be merciful. He created us for partnership and to make a difference while we can—not suck air and be selfish. Check out what Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:10, and you’ll see that we’ve been created for good works. Read Matthew 25:31-40; you’ll discover the demise of all who don’t do them. By the way, Luke 10:28 tells us that we will live [spiritually] if we honor God and love people through our works.

Anyway, I thought, “Hey Ron—what examples of making a positive difference can you think of?” As it turns out, there are plenty! I’ll offer a few to encourage you. What follows is just a sample—plenty of organizations and people in Taylor and around the world make quite a difference. I’m not playing favorites (although I AM partial to Shepherd’s Heart!).

A Lucky Starfish. Do you ever feel that nothing you do matters? A boy once walked the beach throwing washed-up starfish back into the water. A man observing him yelled, “There are so many! You’ll never make a difference!” The boy responded while throwing another starfish into the sea: “Well, it matters to that one!” The smallest efforts can have the biggest impact!

The Good Samaritan. Ancient Jews and Samaritans were enemies. Yet, a Jewish Jesus spoke about a charitable Samaritan who found a man beaten, robbed, and left for dead (even bypassed by a Jewish priest) and nursed him back to health. I guess we CAN all get along!

“Good News” by Isabella Tebeau. Looking for encouragement and examples of positive differences and influences? Check out Isabella’s Taylor Press article, which has challenged us to “Always remember there is goodness everywhere and kindness matters!”

Shepherd’s Heart. Our renowned food pantry and thrift shop feeds hundreds of people every week. Money donated by good-hearted folks and earned in the thrift shop continues to provide utility relief for families in danger of being without electricity or water. Shepherd’s Heart certainly reflects God’s heart!

Anchored in Grace Fellowship. Albert and his small crew love the community in big ways! This fantastic church provides hygiene items such as soap and toothpaste to hundreds of people each year. They also often come to the rescue with socks, gloves, food, blankets, and school supplies. Look no further for a model of true love!

Summary: The world can seem dark and unloving at times. But there are always bright spots of love and difference-making. The following article will be the first of a two-parter addressing how we can be confident of the biblical texts and the people in them, including Jesus. Until then, be kind and pure.

Blessings and peace,

Dr. Ron Braley, MDiv, DMin.

I Pledge Allegiance to Who?

Remember when we always said the Pledge of Allegiance (at school, for instance)? “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America . . . one nation under God . . .” That was when we were a godly nation. What would make us godly again? Pledging allegiance to the One we call God before allying ourselves with anything or anyone else or chasing self-centered passions. But what would that look like? What would God (YHVH) require of anyone (and, collectively, a nation) wanting to be His ally? Good question—let’s find out!

First, YHVH told the prophet Micah something like: “Dude! I don’t want meaningless religious works—I want you to practice justice and mercy and walk with me humbly! (Micah 6:8). Before you give me grief about the whole ‘Dude!’ thing, there may be a Hebrew or Aramaic word for it—you never know. Regardless, the point is valid: humility, justice, and mercy are critical in allegiance to God!

Second, YHVH wants partners—allies—who bear His image. He’s looking for people who will do and say here what He does and says in His realm, like Jesus did, while empowered by the Holy Spirit. What else? We’re to honor our Creator (YHVH) with all we have and are. We see this in the Great Shema (Deuteronomy 6:5): “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” Jesus reiterated the theme in Matthew 22:37. So, we are to honor Him in purity, among other things: “For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body” (1 Corinthians 6:20).

Is anything else required for allegiance with God? Yep! Honoring Him (and Christ) begins with complete devotion—not only in the words, “confess Jesus as Lord” (Romans 10:9-10) but in action. Why do I write this? The ancients understood that speech and action were coupled. So did we until recently when lying became the norm and our word stopped being our bond. At any rate, pledge allegiance to God and stay in the relationship: “If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love” (John 15:10).

So, we are to pledge allegiance to God through action, devoting all we have and are, and through purity and charity. This requires learning about God and what He wants and establishing new habits. He has called; we must respond. Keep in mind that not responding or devoting will have devastating consequences!

Summary: Pledge allegiance to who? God alone! Then, stay aligned by honoring Him with all you have, are, and do. What’s next? Learning about YHVH (God) and His desires can sometimes be challenging and sobering. So, let’s lighten things up with some encouraging and uplifting moments through exploring making a difference in our world. Until then, do what pleases God.

Blessings and peace,

Dr. Ron Braley, MDiv, DMin.

Back to Eden: After Antichrist

We began this series by foreseeing a return to Eden and its perfection. Then, we returned to Jesus’ time to uncover what He said about the journey to that future. A terrible several-year time of Antichrist trouble for God’s people will come when deception, violence, and economic hardship peak. But God will save His people and execute His own wrath against evil. Finally, He’ll judge and sentence or reward all people from all time for how they’ve used their bodies for good or bad. Then, Eden! Let’s unpack the time from Antichrist’s end until everything is renewed.

What will mark the end of the Antichrist’s reign of terror and salvation for God’s own? Complete darkness heralding the brightness of the returning King (Matthew 24:29-31 and Revelation 6:12-17 (seal #6)). A remnant of YHVH’s (God’s) Old Covenant Israel will be gathered and kept from harm at that time (Revelation 7:1-8). Jesus’ New Covenant followers will also find rescue (salvation), as seen in Matthew 24:31 and Revelation 7:9-17 (and 1 Peter 1:3-5). What then?

After YHVH’s people are rescued, He’ll unleash His anger against those who had persecuted and killed them. Revelation refers to this time of God’s punishment in two phases: seven initial trumpeted events and seven bowl judgments to finish things off. At the end of the first phase (the seventh trumpet), Jesus will reclaim the nations and establish His earthly kingdom and long-running peace (Revelation 11:15). Then, at the end of the final phase (the bowl judgments), Antichrist’s master, Satan, will be bound and kept at bay during Jesus’ reign here (Revelation 20:2-3).

After what the Bible calls 1,000 years, Satan will be released to gather the nations once again against YHVH (Revelation 20:7-10). Why? It’s hard to say. However, His first round of wrath was against Satan’s puppet (Antichrist). Perhaps the second round against Satan will be to address the puppet master himself and weed out everyone not in allegiance with God. This would make sense, understanding that final judgment is about to occur, and re-creation is on the horizon.

And we’re back where we started: Eden. In the beginning, I mentioned that all the prophecies and apocalyptic stuff are meant to give hope: YHVH will keep a promise to rescue His people and make all things new. No more suffering, sadness, or immoralities. Just perfection and peace!

Summary: A terrible time of trouble for God’s people will come when deception, violence, and economic hardship peak. How will it end? With Jesus’s appearing and our gathering when the lights go out (Revelation seal #6). Then, God’s turn and re-creation. With that, our end-times series has ended. In the following article, I’ll introduce you to Elijah, who believed he was the only God-fearing righteous person alive. Do you ever feel that way? In the meantime, be a disciple, make disciples, and honor God with everything while you can!

Blessings and peace,

Dr. Ron Braley, MDiv, DMin.

Back to Eden: Antichrist Wrath

We began this series by returning to the perfection of future Eden in the coming age. Then, in the last article, we went back to Jesus’ time and began moving forward toward the end of this age. I introduced John the Revelator and gave you a few tools to study the Revelation given to Him by Jesus. I also mentioned that life will continue until deception, violence, and environmental issues spiral out of control (Revelation seals 1-3). What comes next? The time of the Antichrist’s wrath against God’s people (Revelation seals 4-5)!

He or it will control much of the earth for about seven years when the religious deception, international conflicts, and economic chaos revealed in Revelation seals 1-3 crest. That time will begin with a Middle Eastern peace agreement broken in the middle (Daniel 9:27). So, things will seem pretty good for the first several of the seven years. Then, all hell will break loose (literally!).

The prophet Daniel and Jesus foresaw a time when Satan-driven Antichrist will bring great wrath upon YHVH’s people (Jew and Christian). The Bible refers to this destructive period in several ways: Great tribulation, 42 [30-day lunar] months, 1260 days (42X30), and 3.5 years. Check out these biblical references:

  • Great Tribulation/time of Jacob’s (Jewish) trouble: Jeremiah 30:7; Matthew 24:21 & 29.
  • 42 months: Revelation 11:2 and 13:5.
  • 1260 days: Daniel 12:11-23 (1260+30 days); Revelation 11:3 and 12:6.
  • 3.5 years (one year plus two years plus half a year): Daniel 7:25 and 12:7, and Revelation 12:14.

Daniel received his vision of the future Antichrist’s time in about 500 BCE. Then, Jesus referred to this period of coming wrath about 2,000 years ago and retold it to John in a revelatory vision about 70 years later. Paul also taught about the Antichrist’s time of authority. You can read about it in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12. Let’s consider important things that will happen during those 3.5 years.

In Matthew 24:10-26 and Revelation 6:7-12, Jesus revealed a terrible time of persecution and death for God’s people by a Satan-empowered Antichrist. Heavenly witnesses will issue final warnings to all people during that time and oppose the Antichrist, who will demand allegiance against YHVH. Those who refuse will die a human death but enter the next age with YHVH. Those who side with Antichrist for food and material security will likely experience physical death during God’s great wrath and spiritual destruction at His great judgment.

Summary: A terrible time of trouble for God’s people will come when deception, violence, and economic hardship peak. How will that three-and-a-half-year time of Antichrist’s wrath end? With Jesus’s appearing and our gathering at a complete darkening of the natural lights (Revelation seal six). More about this and coming peace next time. In the meantime, be a disciple, make disciples, and honor God with everything while you can!

Blessings and peace,

Dr. Ron Braley, MDiv, DMin.

Back to Eden: Until The Antichrist

In my last article, I taught that YHVH walked with people before they turned away. I also mentioned that He will someday destroy this realm and re-create perfection. Here, we’ll unfold the last days as we begin to explore what Jesus revealed about the future. I’ll also introduce John the Revelator and guide you in your own end-times study. John first.

Jesus’ disciple John Zebedee wrote the Revelation in about 95 CE while exiled to the Grecian Island of Patmos. Roman Emperor Domitian sent him there, and Emperor Nerva released the exiles a couple of years later. John then returned to Ephesus to live out his days. While in the spirit, Jesus had revealed the future to John to give to his Asian churches. But he had heard much of this before!

Before Jesus’ crucifixion, several disciples asked Him about the Temple’s eventual destruction and His future return. You can read Jesus’ response in Matthew chapters 24-25, Mark 13, or Luke 21. He revealed a forthcoming departure from the Faith and diminishing true love. Also, that life will continue as it always has until religious deception, war, and environmental issues increase significantly just before the end. Here’s how Matthew 24:5-7 and Revelation 6:2-6 (part of a seven-sealed scroll) reveal Jesus’ time until Antichrist:

  • Deception: Matthew 24:5 and Revelation 6:2 (behind seal #1).
  •  Violence: Matthew 24:6-7a and Revelation 6:3-4 (behind seal #2).
  •  Environmental and geological chaos: Matthew 24:7b and Revelation 6:5-6 (behind seal #3).

Now, I’ll introduce you to the Revelation. Don’t let anyone tell you that it’s all symbolic, already happened, or not sequential! Very little is purely symbolic, and most are explained there or elsewhere. Accept what you read as literally as possible unless there’s a reason not to. And compare Scriptures to Scriptures to get a clearer understanding. It’s easier than you think! You may want to check out my 2011 book, Finding the End of the World, to learn more about the end of the age and aid your own study. Here’s a breakdown of the Revelation, which comprises eight primary sections:

  • Revelation 1 – 5. Introduction, instructions, and an invitation to see the future.
  • Revelation 6 – 8:1. Sequence until the end and the protection of God’s people.
  • Revelation 8:2 – 10. Trumpet judgments 1-6 (God’s wrath begins).
  • Revelation 11 – 13. Three perspectives (two witnesses, Satan, and the Antichrist) and details of the Antichrist’s 3.5-year authority ending with trumpet judgment #7.
  • Revelation 14 – 16. Events just before and after the end of Antichrist authority; vial judgments 1-6 (almost the end of God’s wrath).
  • Revelation 17 – 19. Immoralities and the final showdown (God’s wrath ends with vial #7).
  • Revelation 20 – 22. Christ’s physical kingdom, judgment, and re-creation; closure.

Summary: Life will continue until deception, violence, and environmental issues spiral out of control. Next, we’ll deep-dive into the time of the Antichrist’s authority and mayhem revealed by the prophet Daniel, apostle Paul, and revelator John. Meanwhile, honor God and love people more than religion.

Blessings and peace,

Dr. Ron Braley, MDiv, DMin.

Back to Eden: As It Was

Recently, I wrote a series about our Supernatural God—Elohim led by YHVH, the Creator. I touched on Elohim rebels, including Satan, coming cosmic battles, an earthly Kingdom, judgment, and re-creation. Over the following few articles, I’ll start with the new creation and give a high-level view of the ‘end times,’ which have been in motion since Jesus brought YHVH’s Kingdom to people. But . . .

First, the point is hope. We believe what YHVH has done and is doing. So, we believe He’ll keep His word to restore everything to perfection as it once was. Read Revelation 21:1-22:5 for a glimpse of that beautiful future! Also, “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men . . . looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus . . . (Titus 2:11-13)

Second, here’s the basic sequence from now until the coming new age of re-creation:

  • Life will continue as it has until religious deception, war, and environmental issues increase significantly.
  • The ‘Antichrist’ ruler will crush YHVH’s people for several years.
  • YHVH will rescue them and bring wrath against the ungodly.
  • There’ll be peace on Earth for a while.
  • Finally, judgment and a new age when YHVH will again hang out with His creation.

These periods could be categorized as: (1) From now until the Satan-influenced Antichrist; (2) During the time of the Antichrist; (3) After the Antichrist; (4) Return to Eden. We’ll focus on the return to Eden here and then cover the other periods in subsequent articles.

As it was in the beginning. Before some Elohim rebelled, YHVH walked with people in a beautiful place and partnered with them to manage His creation (Genesis 2:6-25). YHVH’s creation was ‘good,’ and the relationship between Creator and the created was perfect (complete). Two unique trees grew there—one that offered enlightenment not meant for people and another that gave indefinite human life. We now die because our access to that Tree of Life was removed (Genesis 3:22-24).

So it will be in the end. In a remarkable reversal, YHVH will destroy this realm and, in its place, create one where He and His creation co-exist as it was and is meant to be (Revelation 21:1-4). No pain. No suffering. No evil. What about the Tree of Life? Read Revelation 22:1-2, and you’ll see that it will be restored. Beauty, purity, eternal life, and perfection will be the order again!

Summary: God has pursued us since we walked away long ago. One day, He’ll tire of our immoralities and self-centeredness and insert Himself into our history for massive reconstruction. In the following article, we’ll continue our end-times journey by unveiling from now until the devil pulls Antichrist’s strings. Remember that God desires our love for Him and people more than religion.

Blessings and peace,

Dr. Ron Braley, MDiv, DMin.

The Supernatural God: Let’s go all Apocalypse!

So far, we’ve learned that what we see in this dimension is a fraction of what exists. Biblical Elohim represents disembodied spirits; some are trusted, and some are rebels.  Satan was the first rebel; the Watchers and inheritors of the nations followed. Also, YHVH began reclaiming the nations at Pentecost, and there’ll be a day of reckoning for Satan and all anti-YHVH beings. Here, I’ll introduce that day and hint at a return to Eden-like conditions.

First, I’m an ‘end times’ guy, having written, published, and taught on the subject for several decades. I’m well-equipped to teach on the subject. A quick internet search should reveal my background, credentials, and published work.

Second, we can glean some things through an unveiling of end-times stuff. That revelation is called the ‘apocalypse.’ It’s about the future. However, I’d like to introduce it by bringing up the past and homing in on evil Elohim influencers, such as the one that moved an ancient Persian ruler, and Satan. Then, I’ll unveil the coming cosmic battle, heaven on earth, judgment, and re-creation. Rebels first.

Human-influencing Elohim rebels. These include the ‘Principality of Persia’ reported by Daniel (Daniel 10:13 & 20) and Satan, also labeled as the ‘dragon’ (Revelation 20:2). He was the driving force behind Antichrist forerunners Nimrod at Babel and second-century BCE Antiochus Epiphanes. Satan continued trying to elevate himself above YHVH through them, and he will influence the future figure we (not the Bible) call the Antichrist. Influenced by ‘the dragon,’ Antichrist will have authority over YHVH’s people (Jew and Christian) for a while (e.g., Revelation 12:13-17) and set the stage for a cosmic clash that will usher in a new age.

The cosmic battle. YHVH will end Antichrist’s authority. That time will also see the gathering of Christ’s followers (past and present), the Antichrist’s destruction, and Satan’s arrest after a series of destructive precursors to the penultimate battle between good and evil. Why penultimate? You’ll see!

Heaven on earth. The first (penultimate) cosmic battle will pave the way for Jesus’ Kingdom of Peace (Revelation 19-20). Old Testament prophets spoke of this time, which will end with the ultimate good-and-evil battle (Revelation 20:7-10). Afterward, YHVH will judge everyone from all time and return creation to Eden-like conditions for eternal peace and hanging out with Him again.

Judgment and re-creation. Jesus initially revealed the end-times judgment by illustrating obedient sheep and disobedient goats (Matthew 25:31-46). He does it again in Revelation 20:11-15. The point is to equip God with New Eden partners with whom He’ll dwell again in His re-creation—more about this in the next series.

Summary: Elohim’s cosmic end-times conflict and an eventual return to Eden have been unveiled! In the following several articles, we’ll start there and reverse engineer the ‘last days.’ In the meantime, remember that religion is for people, not God; taking part in His story is for Him.

Blessings and peace,

Dr. Ron Braley, MDiv, DMin.

The Supernatural God: Many with One Mind!

As a young boy, I asked my pastor to explain God’s origin and the Trinity. His answer went like this: “God was always around. He became different things when needed: the Creator, then Jesus who left heaven to come to earth, and His Spirit sometimes.” The visual was a fluid God blob. It was a stupid answer, but I didn’t know how to explain it better. Fifty-some-odd years later, I can and want to introduce you to Elohim and their ruler and ours, YHVH (the Hebrew consonants naming the Creator and pronounced Jehovah or Yahweh).

Others existed before this earth’s creation. So, unsurprisingly, they were present at creation (Job 38:7), in Eden (Ezekiel 28:12-19), and in governing all but Israel (Deuteronomy 32:8-9). This group of disembodied spirits is labeled Elohim in ancient Hebrew and identifies angels, Jesus, the Creator, Holy Spirit, and others. Many compose God’s Divine Council. Let’s dig deeper into Elohim YHVH and Elohim as a divine council before finishing with Elohim, the rebels.

Elohim, the Creator & Ruler. God, as we know Him, created everything and has had many labels and roles. But He has only one name: YHVH. He is the God who will be our provider, shepherd, and healer when we are fully devoted to Him. He rules creation, including all Elohim, and seeks willing partners in His dimension and ours despite the risk of rebellion.

Elohim, the Divine Council. Collectively, Elohim has always had a place as a spiritual council headed by YHVH. Our existence began like this: “Then Elohim said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule . . .’” (Genesis 1:26). Therefore, we’re meant to be imagers of God—doing and saying here what the Creator and His council do and say in their realm. Jesus reports this like-mindedness (John 5:9 and 14:10). Job mentions this assembly of the ‘sons of God’ (Job 1:6). We see them advising YHVH about Ahab in 1 Kings 22:19-23, and the Psalmist reflects on this holy council in Psalm 89:5-7. Finally, the apostle John sees them in an end-times vision (Revelation 4). However, many have gone rogue (e.g., Psalm 82).

Elohim, the Rebels. Spiritual rebellion happened multiple times during and after Eden. First, Lucifer rebelled and lost his authority. Then, ‘watchers’ appointed to protect humans rebelled and were relegated to the underworld. You can read about this in the books of Enoch and Jasher, both mentioned in our Bible. After Babel, God gave members of His council authority over all nations except Israel (Deuteronomy 32:8-9); they went rogue (e.g., Psalm 82 and Daniel 10:12-13 & 20).

In summary, Elohim represents disembodied spirits. Some are part of a divine council led by YHVH with one mind and mission. Some are rebels. So, we’ll next explore further YHVH’s disinheritance of the nations and Elohim rebellion.

Blessings and peace,

Dr. Ron Braley, MDiv, DMin.